Monday, September 27, 2010


The interesting thing about intelligence is that you need to engage in intelligent activities like reading or visiting meaningful places. Even more important is that you need to go beyond the surface facts and you need to explore over in the corners. Sometimes you need to walk into a bookstore and pick the book that repulses you the most. We need to consider the ugly truths as well as the beautiful ones. Possibly the most important act on the road to intelligence is learning everything you possibly can from as many points of view as possible. You can learn a lot by listening to another side of an argument, and then another, and then another, and then another. Before you know it, you have gained invaluable insight while everyone else was busy talking. Eventually, that insight will transform into the tools necessary to make informed decisions. They might even make you a few friends; however, he sad reality is that it will probably make you more enemies.

Oh, Those Silly Conservatives

I've been engaged in an interesting debate through email with, who I believe are a group of conservatives. I was sent an unsolicited email about the proposed Islamic center in New York so I responded. Thankfully, that has led to an even wider debate. The problem is that a response I received the other day was so full of. No actually it was empty of anything that even resembled a logic or rational thought process that it is going to take a series of responses to address this person's interesting point of view.

Here is my response to the first part of the email. I removed the person's actual name as well as any of the other recipients.

Thank you for the response. We obviously have two very different points of view on the matter. I will need to respond to you with a series of emails if I have the time because there seems to be a lot that needs to be explained to you.

It is really too bad that you don't understand liberalism. Let me explain a few things. Liberals generally support the critical analysis of topics, whatever they might be. Not only do liberals enjoy the intellectual exploration of topics, we also like to explore them from a number of points of view. This whole issue with the Islamic center is a great example. You, and probably many of your peers, believe that building an Islamic center two blocks from the former World Trade Center site is wrong. You have your reasons, and apparently they are anti-Islamic reasons, otherwise you would also be supporting demonstrations against the porn shops and liquor stores nearby. You also have your reasons for being ant-Islamic, and I don't want to speculate on the basis for those beliefs but your comments about Sharia law might have something to do with it.

I am sure you are also well aware that the United States has been involved with conflicts in the Muslim world for decades based on our country's economic and political desires. Therefore, you are probably well aware that people in those countries have wanted the US out of their own soverign lands for as long as we have been meddling in their affairs. Our citizens and military have been attacked a number of times in the previous decades, so it should come as no surprise that we were finally attacked on US soil. I'm sure the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon enfuriated you like it did me, but we have had different responses.

I am interested in the root of the conflict, which usually begins and ends with who gained the most monetarily. Those people are probably still making money from our current wars. I am just as angry at them because their greed caused us to be attacked. The other people to look at are those who gained ideologically. Our government has taken great steps to throw the Middle East into chaos, so politically we already won. Now there are American friendly leaders in places that once resisted us, but who is benefitting? Not the average person. We have been living in a state of perpetual fear for nine years. We have even given up some of our individual rights. The average American gained nothing so far. Finally, we need to look at who really wants war with the world's Muslims. Those who want war, and have always wanted war with the Muslims are definitely to blame. Every single person who supported armed conflict in Islamic countries is part of the problem. Everyone who supports prejudicial acts against Muslims in America is part of the problem because they don't want to be part of the solution. I'm not so happy with those folk either.

So a liberal considers things like that before making blanket statements about a billion of the world's people. Radical Muslims would ask questions about their own society and look for ways to fix it because radicals are generally rather intellectual, so violence is a last resort. Radicals look for real answers regardless of their theological leanings. Liberation theology did the same thing during the Cold War.

Maybe you should start considering a few things, too. So, I have a few questions for you and others to explore. First, have you actually read the Quran enough to understand the context of Islam's beliefs? Second, how many Muslims do you know personally, and what have they taught you about their religion? Third, have you taken the time to compare Sharia law and Levitican law? If you are a Christian, do you live your life according to Levitican law as stated in the Bible? If not, then why do you believe that all Muslims want to enforce Sharia law here? Have you taken the time to look into some of the history of the conflict between the US and Muslims?

I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to help you understand the liberal-radical thought process. If you can't understand why I am proud to be an intelligent, thinking person then you need to ask yourself why you don't believe that thinking is something to be proud of. Ignorance is the real hogwash.


You say of yourself, "I am a RADICAL. I am a leftist." Your proud declaration is inexplicable to me. Also inexplicable is your statement that, "Radical Islam would be working for things like equity in education, women's rights, freedom of expression, communality, and critiacal and analytical understanding to support more intelligent communication between divergent groups." Pure hogwash! You said, "Muslims are not the enemy," but radical Islamic terrorists are. Their guiding document, the koran, offers the infidel two choices, convert or die. You have aligned yourself with throat cutters and haters. Yet the 1st amendment of the Constitution guarantees your right of free speech, whereby you are certainly entitled to your opinion, everyone has them.

Your patronizing sadness smacks of superiority, but exposes ignorance, not an informed opinion. I read the signs too! Anger is not hate. Most signs were expressions of informed opinions, not nonsensical hatred as you suppose. "Sensitivity goes both ways. If you really care, build it elsewhere." That's not hateful. Some signs were statements of fact, "Imam Feisal’s Cordoba House mosque will demand sharia law.” Facts are not hateful. Imam Feisal said, "The only law that the Muslim needs exists already in the Koran and the Hadith.” For the full story and other "beauties" of his beliefs go here: What law of the Constitution did these demonstrators violate?

You speak with contempt of Christian love and pervert its meaning. Loving someone does not mean lying down without a whimper as they cut your throat for their beliefs. Jesus voluntarily laid down His life as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world, but He didn't do it until His time had come. That is love! Laying down your life for another is Love. We will not lay down our lives simply to be butchered, as you seem to suggest. We will fight, as we should.

You are right you are a radical, you are a leftist, not terms of endearment I would want applied to me. I truly am sad for you because of your ignorance on the these vitally important issues of our time. If you truly want to be informed, please read the Constitution, please learn what sharia law really is, and most importantly please read the Holy Bible, which is the Word of God, which is truth, which contains the words of life, true spiritual life.

I will not lay down to sharia law, "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Waving flags is as patriotic as doing jumping jacks. Each is an exersize, but neither one proves that you know anything about the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, American history, or even the American present. In order to know these things, one must become exposed to the complexities of the American Experience.

Next time someone wants to wave a flag with the intention of presenting some false sense of superiority over anyone, then please ask them a few things:

1. Who were the Puritans? And in a time of such conservatism in England, why were they considered such nutjobs that they were unwelcomed in their own home? Why did the Dutch, a quite liberal society, later ask them to leave, also? Why, after returning to England, did the Puritans leave again? What are ten core beliefs of the Puritans that made so many people weary of them?

2. Quick, name ten nations that already exsisted before any Europeans arrived in what is now the contemporary United States . What forms of government did they practice? How did they sustain themselves generation after generation? Who did they trade with?

3. How many indigenous people died before 1700 as a direct result of contact with Europeans? What was the primary killing agent? If Hitler and Stalin were so bad, why aren't we taught about this in school?

4. Most likely, many of our Founding Fathers read The Magna Carta, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Adam Smith. Those are just some of the basics. Have you read them? If not, be careful what you say about the intentions of the Founding Fathers.

5. In many ways, those who began the American Revolution and became leaders in it were essentially middle and upper-class white males who didn't want anyone in a position of power telling them what to do. They stirred the anger of those in lower positions in society to support a fight for independence without regard to anyone who was non-white, poor, or a non-English speaker. Compare and contrast some of today's political movements.

6. How long did it take to write the Constitution? How many drafts were written before it was finalized? Who were some of the most outspoken opponents of the Consitution and why? How did their views differ from the mainstream authors?

7. Name everyone who signed the consitution and tell at least five politically relevant facts about each one. Who are some of the most important Founding Fathers who never lived to see the Constitution written? What did they believe and how did they put those beliefs into practice?

Next time someone invokes the Founding Fathers or the somehow implies that he knows so much about the soul of America, ask him just one of these questions. Then you can inform him that he doesn't know as much as he thinks, and politely ask him to shut the fuck up.

Profe Cheno

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Phaedrus

This is the home of my Phaedrus. He has a different name, but this is his home.
This is Cheno's home. This is Cheno's brain. These are his ghosts. His demons.
This is his home.

Ignorance About America

Below is my response to a very troublesome email I received recently. The email that was sent to me is below my response.

Sorry that the pictures don't show, but I don't know how to make them present.

Thanks for sending this. I found it very informative on a number of

First, I am very glad to see that, despite so many challenges in our
education system, an overwhelming majority still grasp the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights. With the population of the greater New York City
metropolitan area at over 19,000,000 people and the U.S. population at
over 300,000,000 people, those 10,000 demonstrators represent on one
half of one thousandth of a percent of the NYC population, and one third
on one millionth of a percent of the total US population. I sure am glad
that so few people in our country are that ignorant of the founding
principles of our country. People have the right to be angry and lash
out. They even have the right to blantantly disregard the Constitution,
its just sad that people consciously choose to be this way.

Another thing I would like to clear up, and please feel free to pass
this along to everyone, is that Radical Islam would be progressive and
liberal. Radical Islam would be working for things like equity in
education, women's rights, freedom of expression, communality, and
critiacal and analytical understanding to support more intelligent
communication between divergent groups. I am a RADICAL. I am a leftist.
I a person who knows the difference between radicals and reactionaries.
I am a radical, the Taliban and Al Qaeda are reactionaries.
Reactionaries are conservatives. These reactionary forces in Islam are
no different from the reactionaries in Judiaism or Christianity.

Actually, Islam is one of the three Abrahamic faiths (Judiaism and
Christianity are the other two) in the world. Their God is your God in a
different language and it has some additional books that neither Jews
nor Christians accept. Again, it is so sad that people do not understand
the difference between radical liberals and reactionary conservatives.
While on the topic of vocabulary, and therefore ability to comprehend
what is written or spoken, I believe that this will be a thirteen story
Islamic center that will also include a prayer room. That is something
very different from a thirteen story mosque. One should be able to both
hear and read the truth when it comes to real-world issues such as this,
especially when a group of people advocates violating the U.S.
Constitution. What's even worse is when people choose to disseminate
incorrect information with the intention of defaming a group of fellow
Americans and purposefully restricting their inaliable right.

Finally, although the email stresses how people from all walks of life
came together I sure didn't see that in the pictures. I saw an
overwhelming number of whites, and little else. I would even go so far
as to say that the three African-American police officers were most
likely on duty, so I have to question the validity of including them
with the protesters. I did see a lot of hate written on signs that
people were carrying, but I'm not exactly sure how hatred and anger
equal diversity. There were some Jews for sure, but I wonder where the
Christians were. Since, according to 1 Corinthians 12:20-26, Christians
are taught that there are many members of the body and that even though
various members have their differences, all are part of the same body,
the same grace of God. Later in 1 Ch 13 it goes on to state how God is
love, and love, and love. So where is the love here? Were there there no
real Christians at this event? I guess it would seems so. They must have
stayed home with the Buddhists and those who respect our Constitution.

We are probably at opposite ends of this issue, but I have stood silent
long enough and watched people trample on our nation because they are so
filled with hatred and fear, and so empty with ignorance that I will no
longer be silent. Muslims are not the enemy. Ignorance, fear, hatred,
nationalism, nativism, the belief in self-righteousness and superiority,
and close-mindedness are the enemy. Those are things I work diligently
to correct everyday.

I am becoming quite troubled by the number of people who's souls are filled with hatred, fear, and anger; and who's minds are so empty with ignorance. I find it insulting that you would categorize me as one of these hate-filled people who is so ignorant of what it means be American.


Here is the email I recieved:
> *Did** anybody see this on any of the major networks? I* *didn't*.
> * ( PLEASE go to full screen )*
> *Part II*
> *June 16, 2010, New York , N.Y. , by El Marco*
> *Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam in New York. We Will Not
> Submit!
> *
> *Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this
> event.
> Without bloggers this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to
> the
> public and history*
> *On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of
> Americans
> opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the
> World
> Trade Center in New York City.*
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rT7cY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedECQT3qrxEVphppjdQRIGzN_W]> com/redir/?kNRXLccLCQT3hOOyM_sS02fHkHa17pP9-vXI-nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XET
> OXC3oi5rT7cY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSk
> nPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedEC
> QT3qrxEVphppjdQRIGzN_W>
> *9/11 families were joined by immigrants from India, Russia, Egypt,
> Israel,
> Africa, Iran and Europe to show opposition to the construction of a
> mega-mosque at Ground Zero. Others flew in from overseas to speak or
> just
> to share their particular ethnic communities experiences at the hands
> of
> Muslims.*
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rFEFY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedFCQT3qrxEVphppjd-TtJ6jyo]> com/redir/?kNRXLccLCQT3hOOyM_sS02fHkHa17pP9-vXI-nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XET
> OXC3oi5rFEFY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSk
> nPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedFC
> QT3qrxEVphppjd-TtJ6jyo>
> *These are parents and spouses of firefighters killed on 9/11. The
> rally
> took place just a minutes walk from Ladder 10 Firehouse, where their
> loved
> ones were stationed for duty that terrible day. Ladder 10 lost seven
> firefighters.*
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rFL9Y8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedICQT3qrxEVphppjdW8CoTpOi]> com/redir/?kNRXLccLCQT3hOOyM_sS02fHkHa17pP9-vXI-nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XET
> OXC3oi5rFL9Y8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSk
> nPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedIC
> QT3qrxEVphppjdW8CoTpOi>
> *Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. The crowd
> overflowed
> the police barrier enclosures that ran the full length of two city
> blocks.
> This photo shows the enclosure in front of the stage at the
> intersection of
> Liberty and Church Streets. The second enclosure ran the length of
> the next
> block and can be seen on the other side of the traffic lights.*
> [image:
> fBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYKVwS4xmWdPhPMyIhdTVOXVEVKeppvsdTdCfwwmWByszQ36
> S9P-8amzmstc-va5KndIL8TphvdEFzxPObUUQsLCSnPob6Azh09v2Bo-wq80J6I_FcQgrc
> Qg1admU86y02vzkTfM-u0USMrjsdFK6zBB5BBcT5pk6KVAEEBo]>
> kNeWdYKVwS4xmWdPhPMyIhdTVOXVEVKeppvsdTdCfwwmWByszQ36S9P-8amzmstc-va5Kn
> dIL8TphvdEFzxPObUUQsLCSnPob6Azh09v2Bo-wq80J6I_FcQgrcQg1admU86y02vzkTfM
> -u0USMrjsdFK6zBB5BBcT5pk6KVAEEBo>
> *Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of
> Zuccotti Park
> *
> *.*
> [image:
> DO-65yZGMDY9USIvnkaoDt6-nsMr2gHt5ZYkUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1z
> r4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dC
> q80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srvdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrrfsuPPu8Vgwe]>
> kaoDt6-nsMr2gHt5ZYkUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4V_45bhHeeCvfB2T
> bCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq80B6Hs43h01fNGrD
> Uvf0srvdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrrfsuPPu8Vgwe>
> *Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are the founders of STOP
> AMERICA, which sponsored the rally. Ms. Geller is a citizen
> journalist and
> blogger who runs the human rights web site Atlas
> Shrugs> mOd4XTLQOOTHqxO-rc_q2J2smOdcdTVOXVEVKeppvsdTdCfwwmWByszQ36S9P-8amzmstc-va5KndIL8TphvdEFzxPObUUQsLCSnPob6Azh09v2Bo-wq80J6I_FcQgrcQg1admU86y02vzkTfM-u0USUrjsdFK6zBB5BBcTzF9Z4h3216V>.
> Mr. Spencer is the author of several books on Islam and head of the
> influential web site Jihad
> watch> . *
> *Pamela Geller:*
> *Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We
> are
> asking for sensitivity. It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the
> very
> ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right
> there. We
> are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual
> respect
> and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day.*
> *There is a hair-trigger sensitivity in the Muslim world, you can't
> run the
> cartoons, you can't say Mohammed, this is offensive. This is an
> offensive
> mosque. To build a shrine, an Islamic flag of conquest on the sacred
> ground
> the cherished site, of a conquered land. This is historic, this is
> Islamic
> history. It's what they do. The St. Sofia in Turkey, the al-Quds, at
> the
> holiest Jewish site in Israel. Not here. This is where we take a
> stand.
> We must take a stand. We must say no.*
> *I do not believe that the landmarks commission controlled by Mayor
> Bloomberg, is going to stop this mosque. It's not going to happen.
> Here's Omar Muhamedi, on his human rights council, a CAIR lawyer, who
> sued the
> airlines and the Jane and John Does that saw something and said
> something
> <>on
> those airplanes, if you remember. That's who's on his human rights
> commission. It ain't gonna happen with Bloomberg. We have to make it
> happen. You have to get involved.(Pamela Geller) *
> [image:
> YLxxoLqI9_2udH7RR2C9ThLBTc6MAaThvvpUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr
> 4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq
> 80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srd79JdMSCUqemkmmkPvT8oeWcT]>
> hLBTc6MAaThvvpUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnA
> rIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0s
> rd79JdMSCUqemkmmkPvT8oeWcT>
> *Police enclosure on left, with crowd flowing out of park on right.
> The new
> Tower 7 and World Trade Center site are in the background. The green
> tent,
> center, is located immediately behind the stage.*
> [image:
> vbUombSH2vMDzqNZtgFytQrVtP1I92JQQrY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedETdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrVyxJOIcO]> .com/redir/?aoWZTC6nPqrxEVphovKr017RGlB0zIVA_fZSvbUombSH2vMDzqNZtgFytQ
> rVtP1I92JQQrY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdS
> knPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedE
> *Port Authority and NYPD officers kept watch over the rally and were
> well
> aware of the need for heightened security at this event. One of their
> own Port Authority officers, WTC Sergeant Alan T. De Vona was on duty
> at the
> World Trade Center on 9/11, 2001, and was one of the first to help
> victims
> of the terrorist attack. He spoke these words to the SIOA rally:*
> *It's almost nine years. I'm hoping that America is watching. I'm
> hoping
> that America is remembering. Because, make no mistake. September 11
> was an
> act of war. And thank the military that has lost almost 5,000 troops
> from
> that day, defending us. I don't know what to say to jar America's
> memory.
> I want America to remember.*
> [image:
> fBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYKVwS4xmZSkku4ly9K_envd7dNPbbXxKVINY42TkIjAuwoS
> NevN1iQqPzFDPVgJOVJBV6XabVJ5cseuhv76zBYSO-r1oQAq81bUkH7Q3h05ERDZ9Cy3pC
> y09hGT10Qg0jYqCV-7PM76QkjqrxJdMQsIEIIFCZQni8_LaSqYy]>
> EkNeWdYKVwS4xmZSkku4ly9K_envd7dNPbbXxKVINY42TkIjAuwoSNevN1iQqPzFDPVgJO
> VJBV6XabVJ5cseuhv76zBYSO-r1oQAq81bUkH7Q3h05ERDZ9Cy3pCy09hGT10Qg0jYqCV-
> 7PM76QkjqrxJdMQsIEIIFCZQni8_LaSqYy>
> *Port Authority Police and FDNY firefighters are seen here gathered
> beneath
> this banner.*
> [image:
> vbUombSH2vMDzqNZtgFytQrVtP1I92JQXTUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4
> V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq8
> 0B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srhjdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrgpxtvqzS]> .com/redir/?aoWZTC6nPqrxEVphovKr017RGlB0zIVA_fZSvbUombSH2vMDzqNZtgFytQ
> rVtP1I92JQXTUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArI
> ELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srh
> jdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrgpxtvqzS>
> *The issues at stake will certainly affect the heart of American
> freedom,
> democracy, cultural values and tolerance. America is a tolerant
> country
> that allows for the free worship of all its citizens. But our
> tolerance has
> limits. Do we have to tolerate intolerant Islamic ideology and
> Muslims who
> preach intolerant Islam?*
> [image:
> fBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYKVwS4xmZNPav2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9Ofgcr
> oDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOYztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IP
> h04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3zqb9JdMSCUqemkmmkPrKWAU39e]>
> ztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IPh04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3
> zqb9JdMSCUqemkmmkPrKWAU39e>
> *Hindu human rights activists Narain Kataria, Prasad Yalamanchi and
> unidentified friend came from Mississippi and Chicago with banners and
> flyers highlighting the radical statements of imam Rauf and his
> jihadist
> roots.*
> [image:
> DO-65yZGMDY9USIvnkaoDt6-nsMr2gHt54QsY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0N
> Jys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46P
> d40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedEI6QT3qrxEVphppjdV6N5XSDm]>
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> bOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfD
> wedEI6QT3qrxEVphppjdV6N5XSDm>
> [image:
> fBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYKVwS4xmWrWav2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9Ofgcr
> oDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOYztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IP
> h04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3zqbVJdMSCUqemkmmkPsaPY]> m/redir/?5ctuXP3bVJdMQsIEIfTdw0zWRaOwhSsOvD-XfBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYK
> VwS4xmWrWav2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9OfgcroDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOYztB5
> YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IPh04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3zqbV
> JdMSCUqemkmmkPsaPY>
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rTd7av2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9Ofgcr
> oDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOYztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IP
> h04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3zqbxJdMSCUqemkmmkPrXZXybWS]>
> ETOXC3oi5rTd7av2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9OfgcroDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOY
> ztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IPh04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3
> zqbxJdMSCUqemkmmkPrXZXybWS>
> [image:
> YLxxoLqI9_2udH7RR2C9ThLBTc6MAaTKYOPMyIhdTVOXVEVKeppvsdTdCfwwmWByszQ36S
> 9P-8amzmstc-va5KndIL8TphvdEFzxPObUUQsLCSnPob6Azh09v2Bo-wq80J6I_FcQgrcQ
> g1admU86y02vzkTfM-u0USyedFK6QT3hOOyOOCrrDKN]> m/redir/?FzHTuopvdFK6zBB5x-VI04vmFmk2ePCjY_TpYLxxoLqI9_2udH7RR2C9ThLBT
> c6MAaTKYOPMyIhdTVOXVEVKeppvsdTdCfwwmWByszQ36S9P-8amzmstc-va5KndIL8Tphv
> dEFzxPObUUQsLCSnPob6Azh09v2Bo-wq80J6I_FcQgrcQg1admU86y02vzkTfM-u0USyed
> [image:
> PVv32NuRoj-4YrmfHG5cjKzvbKodx8lKCYehUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1z
> r4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dC
> q80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srhudFK6QT3hOOyOOCrNBnAAsrP]>
> jKzvbKodx8lKCYehUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCS
> nArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf
> 0srhudFK6QT3hOOyOOCrNBnAAsrP>
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rFLfs8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedECzASCUrjsd7babbapIAaiufuY4RHI]>
> xj4XETOXC3oi5rFLfs8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBP
> rbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYf
> DwedECzASCUrjsd7babbapIAaiufuY4RHI>
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rTv7s8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJy
> s_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd4
> 0izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedFTdFK6QT3hOOyOOCrEDvDP1HiE-g]>
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> OdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDw
> [image:
> DO-65yZGMDY9USIvnkaoDt6-nsMr2gHt5cQsEY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0
> NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46
> Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedFECQT3qrxEVphppjdRFGy]> com/redir/?2CeLtVxBYSCUqemkm7XCM0hZqBpg8XepfP_tDO-65yZGMDY9USIvnkaoDt6
> -nsMr2gHt5cQsEY8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbO
> dSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwe
> dFECQT3qrxEVphppjdRFGy>
> [image:
> YLxxoLqI9_2udH7RR2C9ThLBTc6MAaThKy7Y8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJ
> ys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbOdSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd
> 40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwedFFCQT3qrxEVphppjdClr_xckr]>
> hLBTc6MAaThKy7Y8H4jt-sK-qerzCmnT3tPpzU85KFoD8Z0NJys_y2BERD7jfDOxrBPrbO
> dSknPqaoUsYy-ed7bVJBYS2NF8Qg2nMFmfE6y0bhHfWjd46Pd40izlK21Ew0DURdPYfDwe
> dFFCQT3qrxEVphppjdClr_xckr>
> *Stephen Dyer and Gary Jules journalism students at York College, with
> Pamela Geller. **NOT** **ONE** major network sent a satellite truck
> or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers this newsworthy event
> would
> have remained unknown to the public and history.*
> [image:
> fBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeWdYKVwS4xmZT7K4ly9K_envd7dNPbbXxKVINY42TkIjAuwoSN
> evN1iQqPzFDPVgJOVJBV6XabVJ5cseuhv76zBYSO-r1oQAq81bUkH7Q3h05ERDZ9Cy3pCy
> 09hGT10Qg0jYqCV-7PM76QSjqrxJdMQsIEIIFCS2JW-5jn]> .com/redir/?5ctuXP3bVJdMQsIEIfTdw0zWRaOwhSsOvD-XfBYcb5XlxfUjNJo-KEkNeW
> dYKVwS4xmZT7K4ly9K_envd7dNPbbXxKVINY42TkIjAuwoSNevN1iQqPzFDPVgJOVJBV6X
> abVJ5cseuhv76zBYSO-r1oQAq81bUkH7Q3h05ERDZ9Cy3pCy09hGT10Qg0jYqCV-7PM76Q
> SjqrxJdMQsIEIIFCS2JW-5jn>
> *Pamela Geller is greeted by Hindu human rights activists Prasad
> Yalamanchi
> and Narain Kataria.*
> [image:
> DO-65yZGMDY9USIvnkaoDt6-nsMr2gHt5Vzx5oyrLPBTPhPssOO-UrKrcv10JRb4V7E6dI
> jDYgkJ6IUWpY-kbsKrpuhKOy-rhj73DAnNNEVvdILCMmd96y0i-5aNZ0Qg1qdp_ipEwSpE
> w2kqJMgd404_6FKvxYY1NJdwSCUrjsd7babbapKx4Eos3gP0kB]>
> aoDt6-nsMr2gHt5Vzx5oyrLPBTPhPssOO-UrKrcv10JRb4V7E6dIjDYgkJ6IUWpY-kbsKr
> puhKOy-rhj73DAnNNEVvdILCMmd96y0i-5aNZ0Qg1qdp_ipEwSpEw2kqJMgd404_6FKvxY
> Y1NJdwSCUrjsd7babbapKx4Eos3gP0kB>
> *Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer. Singh
> Bhurji is
> the president of the NAMDHARI SIKH FOUNDATION. The foundation is a
> member
> of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI). HRCARI
> is a
> coalition of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians from Sudan, Egypt and Iraq,
> moderate
> Muslims and Jews' who are victims and targets of radical Islam around
> the
> globe.*
> *He said, at another rally:*
> *Radical Islamists are killing people in India, trying to dominate
> that
> nation. And here too they come with violence against infidels. We
> are
> infidels united, standing together, brown, black and white, against
> this
> epoch's fascist movement. Radical Islam wants to dominate entire
> world.
> They want everyone to surrender. Islam radical or otherwise.* * *
> *They want to put the Islamic flag on White House.*
> [image:
> -nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOXC3oi5rFTvhUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr
> 4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIELCQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq
> 80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srjvdFK6QT3hOOyOOCr2c15]> m/redir/?kNRXLccLCQT3hOOyM_sS02fHkHa17pP9-vXI-nMMInJm4_xf6RzWWxj4XETOX
> C3oi5rFTvhUhm8CXYVtYQsT7cILK6XCP7MgbtiNehW1zr4V_45bhHeeCvfB2TbCSnArIEL
> CQkNMVV5YsqenPrbVI5zihEw4LxiIvgd40mzmvQCq8dCq80B6Hs43h01fNGrDUvf0srjvd
> FK6QT3hOOyOOCr2c15>
> *Because of Islamic terrorism, America and the world have seen massive
> new
> security measures become a way of life. Anyone openly critical of
> Islam, or
> terrorist ideology, must surround themselves with security, or live in
> hiding. Those courageous enough to confront Islamism are criticized
> by the
> cowards and appeasers of the left who seek safety by supporting the
> enemy.
> Moderate Muslims were silent when Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered
> in
> Amsterdam, just as moderate Muslims in the United States are generally
> reluctant to speak out against violent Islam. Moderate Muslims also
> face
> great danger in speaking out.*
> *Geller and Spencer will press on despite the danger. They hope to
> inspire
> Americans to stand up and say enough of political correctness and work
> to
> stem the galloping islamization of America and Europe .*
> [image:
> PVv32NuRoj-4YrmfHG5cjKzvbKodx8lLt-_2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9Ofgcro
> DfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsSOYztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IPh
> 04ERrwwq809-djs_3VU3zqrxJdMSCUqemkmmkPuRcooZYpFn3p]>
> 5cjKzvbKodx8lLt-_2aN4TvDbLCzCUVBBZMTsSo-21rGm9OfgcroDfUwFqdpNQPVYEmVsS
> OYztB5YSyCe7f8LzzhO-rpvdwIqid40BYalzW1Ew2QqP-APh1IPh04ERrwwq809-djs_3V
> U3zqrxJdMSCUqemkmmkPuRcooZYpFn3p>
> *Have you seen anything about this story on the evening news? * *Of
> course you haven't!** So please forward this email to all * *you know
> who feel the way you and I do about this country . *
> * Thank you,*

Sunday, September 5, 2010

the liberal media is a myth

There are those among us who still believe in the existence of the Liberal Media, as though it is some giant monster fighting to feast upon the soul of America. Yet, all one really needs to do is look at and listen to the everyday media that millions of our citizens devour to realize that liberals, progressives, leftists, or whatever label you want to give, simply does not exist. Of course we cannot discount newspaper layouts and the order in which news is presented all day and night, but very little of it is news that is tantalizing to liberals.

For the sake of argument we should consider some issues that liberals might find interesting enough to examine on an ongoing basis and flood the American psyche until it becomes reality. Keep in mind, there is no large media outlet for the following stories, essentially debunking the liberal media myth.

Issue 1: There is no credible evidence that the world is going to end on Dec 12, 2012. Religious leaders have been using this End Days philosophy to control people for a long, long time. Do liberals believe in this? Not so much because there is no credible evidence to support it. Which leads to:

Issue 2: Humanity is overwhelmingly good; and not because of governments, gods, or billionaires. Humanity is a species of survivors, and in order to survive we need to cooperate. Its simple sociological truth: the more we help each other, the more comfortably we survive. Where are the articles about good people doing good things for people they might not have ever met. Cooperation is a dangerous idea.

Issue 3: In the arena of politics, there are usually more than two people running for office. In a world of liberal media, all candidates would be given equal access to the press, even the most extreme ideogogues might have something valuable to say. It would also open up a forum for honest debate if the electorate was shown multiple views on different topics.

Issue 4: A liberal media would do everything in its power to bring to light the shady dealings that brought about and keep us in a state of ongoing war in the middle east. There might be some articles about how Cheney and his buddies essentially constructed the war and then gave out government contract to even more of their friends. Follow the money, right? Plus, there must be something to do with oil, perhaps. So on to

Issue 5: A liberal media would constantly advocate for renewable energy sources and present feasible and responsible ways of constructing and maintaining these energy sources and still minimize the disruption to any flora and fauna in its path. Or it would look at large scale ways of recycling that might produce clean natural gas for vehicles, or ways to build neighborhoods that cut down on automobile travel.

Issue 6: As a liberal media outlet would connect with environmental issues, it would also address the living conditions of many people. The homeless, the inner-city poor, war veterans, and indigenous communities would likely be topics of discussion in a liberal newspaper. Self-determination would probably be a topic, even in small ways like growing food for you and your community. Plant more fruit trees in our yards and share the excess with those who need it the most.

Issue 7: It also only seems appropriate that liberal media would be fighting for what is best for the children in our schools. Information would be given that considers how and why students learn best, as opposed to how much money programs cost and what test scores do (n't) tell communities. It might consider the long-term sociologial effects of those who are taught to bank information vs. those who learn to analytically engage with information.

And these are ideas being hacked out at 1am during a bout with insomnia. This isn't even taking the idea very far. Who is dealing with these issues to the point that they are commonplace in our news outlets? The big three networks don't do it. The large newspapers don't do it. There is no media machine in the United States as powerful as the one created by conservatives. Liberals don't own the media, conservatives do, but they don't want anyone to know it because then they admit to being their own enemy. Maybe very few people care, but some of us do. That's for sure.

Next time someone blames the liberal media, ask for some proof that it actually exists. I bet they won't be able to do it.